Friday, May 1, 2015

February 25. 2015
Dalton Tilley             

                                                          I believe we are done for
      I believe the generation under us, will be the fall of us. If you look at kids age 10-13,  look at how they act, what they got. Kids these days have iphones, every thing they want. They get to listen to any music and watch and movies they want. It’s mostly not their fault, it’s the system. The stupid ass songs they come out with has really bad subliminal messages in them and I feel children shouldn't listen to it. We have let technology control us and make us lazy. It’s going to be so hard on kids that don’t have guidance.They're even putting technology in schools, and I hate doing stuff online. I would so much rather do it on a sheet of paper. Online classes are just frustrating, I don't know if anyone feels the same, but I hate it. I just came out of high school, and I can tell you most the teachers at what is suppose to be one of the better schools should be fired. They don’t even teach! They have these A+ tutors do their work, because they are lazy. A+ tutors give 100's no matter what, teachers would even do that. I missed 17 days of my English class. Passed it with an A, turned in 2 things. This is how most my classes were, Imagine how it is from all the way up. I was home schooled, and was scoring 100% on every state test without trying. Soon as I got put in public schools I became lazy, and I slacked, because I was allowed to slack. Why try on something I don’t have to, we all take the easy way outs. I dropped out my senior year, for a few reasons. Never have failed a class. So now I’m in college. I’m probably the laziest, most procrastinating person. It’s all because of high school, friends I met in high school, and things I did. My point here is saying, all my influences and bad things I have learned, was in what was suppose to be a safe place. All these kids now, all have technology now, and it’s getting worse. I didn't have a phone till I was 13, but I had a phone that could only make calls and I could only call my mom when I needed her. Kids all have Iphones now, better phones than I still have. Kids barely even go outside anymore. They are always caught up in playing a video game or being able to have wifi to snap chat someone back.I always was outside. The average kid smokes at the age of 11 now. I know my sister does, and she is 13, just turned 13. Can’t really stop something you always have access too. It’s stupid what people are doing to themselves. I went down a bad, but decent path. I could of played college baseball at Arkansas. So, all in all, kids are getting guided down the wrong path. If they are doing things like cussing, fighting, any of that at pre teen, imagine when they are 15 or 16. They had a 3 year head start on when most people start becoming that way. A lot more bad than good out there. Pretty upsetting how hard it is to be nice, and not be hateful. That’s speaking for everyone. We do have good in us, it’s just hard to find it under all the bad. I do believe it’s what we put out there that children are accessible to, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. People observe people and do as they do, especially younger kids. We are suppose to teach good behaviors, not teach bad decisions. This is what we do, despite what we see, the behavior of all these people, we cause it. It’s all what we advertise, say, and do. Selfishness, the things we do not to be nice. It always seems that way. It seems everyone gets a good kick out of being jerks to one another. I don’t feel this way. I feel everyone should be helped out, no matter what they go through. A life is a life, no matter how you spend it. It’s important to be happy, as it is important to strive for greatness, which most people don’t do as much anymore. Myself, am not the greatest, but I care. I care about being successful and the way people feel about me. I’m nice to everyone, even the ones I don’t want to be nice to. It seems I’m less nice sometimes to the people I care about, but I’m sure this is due to negativity from others. I hate how I do that, it's not a lot, but it happens. People are to worried about a new boyfriend, how good they look, how much money they have, but it’s not really happiness. It’s hard to be happy in a world like that and we shrug it off. How are these kids suppose to be these kind of people if this is how we are. How do we guide them in the right direction, if we don’t even know how to do it to ourselves, I’m not saying everyone is unhappy, I’m saying a lot more aren't than are. I think kids are in an terrible environment. We all praise these famous people that talk about drugs and other terrible things, and we listen,say, and show this around the people we are suppose to set good examples for. As I said though, it is our fault. We are way to caught up in things, to really know what is going on in other peoples lives, we have therapists, but they are so expensive, people are not able to pay $100 an hour to talk to someone. In my opinion that is pretty ridiculous. This world is also getting pretty rough. I see so many young kids fight, and jump eachother. I actually went and took Muay Thai for a couple years, and got pretty good. I may not look like much, but I made myself so lean to be 154 pounds it's crazy. My friend Chris, which has been there for a while, he showed me the place, he's a pretty scary guy. My size, but his muscles are so freaking gross, they overlap each other. We could of traveled to places, he's going to, I had to quit due to school and work. We had the best trainer that just pushed us so far past are limits that it made us become so much stronger, and more agile that we we're. I really believe him and I don't need to worry about being jumped, I feel as if we can handle are selves pretty well. I think self defense is a great thing for EVERYONE to learn. Anything can happen, sometimes you don't have time to grab that pepper spray. I don't see the point in fighting though, Unless it is for a good cause. I also think it is hilarious when people are like lol got 5 days oss hmu. Like, alright, are you happy you're missing all that work at school, and are you not being punished. They praise people that do that. I just don't get it. I try to think about it, I do it on quite the daily basis. Never can figure it out, scientist have been trying it for years and no one can just think, what makes us do, what we do. We figured it out to an extent, but don't know the true reason what makes us do our actions. We have ways to condition people to do things we want. We can condition in positive ways, maybe this can be a way to stop kids from doing bad things, and acting out like they do. Just hopefully this can be figured out one day, we have these random thoughts that pop in our head on how to do things, maybe this is one of them

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